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How to Minimize Moving Stress

Wise Guys Moving

Updated: Jan 30

Most of us will move several times over the course of our lives. A successful, low stress move is one that allows you to relax and let it all flow from the very start until you're settled in your new space. 

Set Up a Timeline

One of the first things you'll want to do is set up a timeline. Your timeline should include exactly when you expect the move to begin. It should also include exactly when you expect it to end. If you are selling one house and using the equity to move to another house, these times might not line up completely. However, a generalized timeline allows you to have a look at the whole picture. This way you can start to prepare for all stages of the move right now. 

Have Enough Supplies 

As you move, you'll need supplies to ensure your items are kept in good shape. It's a good idea to know what kind of supply you're going to need well before your movers arrive. This includes boxes to store your items in transit. It also includes items like tape and scissors. Movers bring additional supplies with them that you can use. You can tailor the kind of supplies you need to your specific circumstances. Many people like items like colored markers to indicate which boxes go in which room and sticky notes to add information during the move. 

Pay Attention to Additional Details 

Lots of details go into a successful move. Everyone in your family including any children and pets should know be accounted for in your preparations. Pets may need a safe space where they can feel secure as the move continues. Children benefit from adult assistance and supervision. If you moving from or to an apartment find out about what elevators are available for your use. Let your movers know if they need to navigate stairs. Changes of address cards should be handled well in advance of your move. 

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